[CentOS] how to reformat a partition to ntfs?

Wed Aug 4 15:09:09 UTC 2010
Brunner, Brian T. <BBrunner at gai-tronics.com>

> >> 1) Insert CentOS install CD until you come to the first screen.
> >>
> >> 2) Open virtual console : Alt+F2
> >>
> >> 3) # shred -vzn 65536 /dev/hda
> >>
> >> 4) Watch messages scroll by. Wait until it's finished (important), 
> >> then post here to tell us the results.
> >
> > Mean!
> And particularly useful to all the other people who follow 
> instructions to use google search to find procedures.

Per shread's manual pages, this tends to fail for ext3 and other
log/journaled file systems.
Step 3 should instead be "badblocks -f -p 10 -w /dev/hda".  The drive is
now ready for the new system to be installed.

mkfs.ntfs /dev/dha should suffice as well, and is much quicker.
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