[CentOS] Dogs, trolls, and neighborly free/open source

Thu Aug 5 19:50:13 UTC 2010
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 01:40:10PM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
> So where would he have found an answer to the question that sparked this 
> thread of non-answers: the one about installing a redhat version that 
> didn't support USB on a USB disk?

	There seems to be a disconnect here, and for the life of me I
	can not fathom as to why that may be.  I believe it has been
	made abundantly clear that Hadi is, and will most likely 
	continue to be, a leech.  The issue that started this is
	no different than any other that he has brought to this list.

	You are free to think he did some work on his own, and you
	are free to think that the sun will rise in the west tomorrow;
	that does not make either true.

> So enlighten us - point us to where someone should go to find that answer.

	I am pretty sure that in a past post I alluded to google?  And
	please spare me your past argument about it being difficult; I
	did not then, nor do I now, argue that.  But with proper search
	criteria one can actually figure it out.  And excuse me if that
	means that he, or others, have to do a little work because the
	"proper" answer may not be in the first result set google
	returns.  You are, however, deluding yourself to think he
	bothered to do *any* such searching.

> Beg your pardon?  Do you really drop things to answer list email?  Ever?

	The list is not important enough for me to do so, no.  But when
	I do bother to reply it means that I am not doing other things
	at the time, so effectively in the long run it pans out the
	same way.  Nor does it change what I stated; people feel
	entitled for no explicable reason - sorry Les, I don't play
	that game.

> Every incompatibility compounds the problem.  It is designed in to every 
> intentional difference in every system.

	Um, ok?

> And you think you are going to get that by ranting about questions 
> without even including a link?

	And you think that by my adding a link it will resolve the issue
	of people not doing their own research, and whom want that link
	in the first place?  Disconnect?  How is my adding a link
	addressing my comment of consumers and leeches?  Perhaps I am
	just confused.  *shrug*

	In my eyes, and my experience, leeches are best addressed by 
	being ignored so that they are *forced* to do the work on their
	own, or at least making the effort to try to do so.  Sadly there
	are those on this list and in life that feel no hesitancy in
	spoon-feeding such leeches the information and continue the
	whole cycle.

	I fear for the future when the people "in charge" are unable to
	stand on their own two feet to get the job done, because from
	where I stand that is exactly the road we are heading down.

	Hell, even back on chinet (you remember chinet?) I was told to
	RTFM by Suess, jcs, piggy, and others.  They were all happy to
	help me after I had done so and guess what?  Due to that, and to
	others of the same mindset I am independent and able to resolve
	my own issues; the *vast* majority of people on this list are
	the same way.

	We need to get back to that way of thinking.

	Now, if you'll pardon me, I need to get back to actual work :)

Much of what looks like rudeness in hacker circles is not intended to give
offence. Rather, it's the product of the direct, cut-through-the-bullshit
communications style that is natural to people who are more concerned about
solving problems than making others feel warm and fuzzy.

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