[CentOS] CentOS 5.5 : Installing Sources where they are visibletosystem(VBOX driver install)

Sat Aug 7 23:06:17 UTC 2010
MGW-Discussions <mailinglistmember at mgwigglesworth.net>

Thanks for the reply.

How do I verify where the sources should be after the rpm install?

How do I install only the headers, since that phrase keeps popping up
but like many things on the net, no one ever actually verifies the
process for making sure you have them installed, nor how to do it in the
first place?

Here is the listing of kernel release and available rpms where I
downloaded them.

[sysadmin at comcserver1 tmp]$ uname -r
[sysadmin at comcserver1 tmp]$ ls |grep kernel |grep 2.6.18-194.el

Looks like I am going to have to crack open these linux kernel books I
have been putting off, now. :P



Martes G Wigglesworth
M. G. Wigglesworth Holdings, LLC