On 9 August 2010 16:28, Brunner, Brian T. <BBrunner at gai-tronics.com> wrote: > Why install RedHat without a subscription? Because all the world knows > RedHat. > Why not switch to CentOS and get updates? Because CentOS is one of the > best-kept secrets of the web. > > How many google searches on RedHat and Updates and License return a link to > the CentOS sites? The wikipedia entry does, none of the others in the > "first 10" hits, so finding CentOS takes knowing that it's there. > But then I'd argue that any competent systems administrator looking after Red Hat systems should be at least aware of derivatives of RHEL... CentOS being the most commonly thought of but of course Scientific and Oracle Unbreakable exist as well for differing levels of support or markets.... and there used to be Whitebox a few years back too.... James