[CentOS] dovecot IMAP Server

Tue Aug 10 12:28:51 UTC 2010
Eero Volotinen <eero.volotinen at iki.fi>

2010/8/10 Richard Gliebe <richard.gliebe at fhv.at>:
> Hi all,
> in the CentOS repos, there is only dovecot V1.0.7 available.
> # yum list|grep -i dovecot
> dovecot.x86_64  1.0.7-7.el5     installed
> Are there other repos with a newer version (1.2.x) available?
> We are using CentOS release 5.5 (Final).

how about: http://ATrpms.net/dist/el5/dovecot/
