[CentOS] Problem resizing partition of nfs volume

Fri Aug 13 00:32:32 UTC 2010
Yves Bellefeuille <yan at storm.ca>

On Thursday 12 August 2010 17:56, Dan Yamins wrote:

> I have an NFS volume that I'm trying to resize a partition on.

I suggest you try Parted Magic: http://partedmagic.com/

It doesn't do anything you can't do from the command line, but it's much 
easier to use.

Yves Bellefeuille <yan at storm.ca> 
"Au Bellefeuille estas malkompetenta juristo au li estas malhonesta;
kaj ech tertium datur: ambau malvirtoj en unu homo." -- Heroldo
Komunikas, n-ro 447.