> I'm looking to put together a doc for the wiki.c.o on howto > secure a remotely hosted machine. There is always the issue of remote > hands, other facility users etc being able to get physical > access of the machines. 1: Rebuild kernel to remove local KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse), run headless; the only access is via ssh. 2: Log-ins through firewall allowed only from approved IPs/MACs regardless of possession of correct password. 3: When you first build the system, ghost/image the boot/root/usr (bru) drive onto a spare backup, verify the backup boots the machine the same as the main drive. 4: have the backup bru drive mailed to you, dupe it, and rsync the remote bru to your local copy whenever you make a change to the remote bru. 5: In the event of fire, vandalism, or other urgent cause, your cluster can appear on a new server rapidly. Just FedEx ghosts of your locally stored bru drive rsynced from what were your remote machines, and (on similar hardware) they should turn-key boot and run. 6: Repeat 3-5 with any mission-critical applications (think of the bru drive as "flight critical", this is the "not flight critical but mission critical" stuff. > the end result, ofcourse, is to still have the option of > handing passwords etc to the DC ops should there be a need to > actually work on the machine remotely. so removing the keyb > and display interfaces might not be desirable. Linux install disks in 'rescue' mode have sufficient terminal handling in their kernel that the running system doesn't need more than ssh. You have more worry about the competence and trustworthiness of the host employees than you know. So: The remote system doesn't need KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse), just ssh. Headless embedded systems work fine this way... ssh only until ssh fails, then swap out the bru drive (rsync'd spare is on-site or with remote support personnel we send out) and mail me the junker; it gets installed as sdb on another system and operated on until 'why did it die' is discovered and corrected. Then it gets mailed back and become the on-site hot-spare that gets rsync'd when the running system changes. ******************************************************************* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. www.Hubbell.com - Hubbell Incorporated**