[CentOS] dual heads, Radeon

Sat Aug 21 11:04:17 UTC 2010
nux at li.nux.ro <nux at li.nux.ro>

m.roth at 5-cent.us writes:

> Dell OptiPlex 980, Radeon HD 4550 xorg figures it should use the r500 driver.
> I start with no /etc/X11/xorg.conf. It comes up, mirroring. I use the
> gnome applet - the same thing, btw, with system-config-display - tell it
> to use dual head, and spanning desktops. Exit X.
> Restart, and the second monitor goes into powersave mode. Try to exit X,
> either via logout, or <ctrl><alt><bkspace>, and it goes, and comes back
> with a bluish screen... and that's all she wrote. It's hung so hard I
> can't log in via ssh, and have to power cycle it.
> Any clues?

None other than the obvious - use the proprietary drivers.

Catalyst works well with latest Centos and Fedora.
