[CentOS] The screenSaver is blocked in my centos5.3

Tue Aug 24 00:38:38 UTC 2010
ganu MailList <ganu4maillist at gmail.com>

Now I create a admin in admin group,   the screensaver program is still
blocked when run.

2010/8/24 ganu MailList <ganu4maillist at gmail.com>

> OK.  Thanks.
> 2010/8/24 John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>
>>  Yeah,  I only use the root account,   how to resolve it?
>> never EVER log in as root, unless doing emergency system repair, like when
>> you are in single user mode because the system won't boot.
>> create a user account, with a password, use that for all regular purposes,
>> and sudo or su to gain root access for specific commands that require it.
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