[CentOS] CentOS 5.5 flex == Fedora 6 flex ?

Tue Aug 24 06:42:50 UTC 2010
Tom G. Christensen <tgc at statsbiblioteket.dk>

Julio E. Gonzalez P. wrote:
> Is CentOS 5.5 Flex the same as Fedora 6 flex ?
Yes, because el5 was based on fc6.

> Have you seen the package name ?
Many packages in el5 has fc6 as their disttag.

> Find this because I need to update my CentOS 5.5 flex for compiling new 
> wine 1.2....but that is another problem....
RPMforge recently built wine 1.2 to save people the trouble you're facing.
You can get it here: http://packages.sw.be/wine/
