[CentOS] Dovecot attack

Wed Aug 25 14:59:39 UTC 2010
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, Karanbir Singh wrote:

> On 08/23/2010 03:58 PM, Rob Kampen wrote:
>>> pam_shield is available from RPMforge and requires a minimum of
>>> configuration.
>> Never heard of this one before - just installed and simple to configure.
>> I note that version 0.9.3 was released April 2010 and includes a
>> supposed memory leak fix - maybe time for an update?
> given the overall lower cost of running pam_shield, it makes for a much
> better solution than denyhosts or fail2ban ( for many situations ). You
> just need to be careful that you dont end up DoS'ing yourself, so weigh
> in some typical scenarios and test in a sandbox environment.

You can whitelist known IP addresses (or FQDNs), but indeed there is the 
possibility that someone else (from your IP address) can DOS you as it is 
IP-based. Although that risk is limited, you need to understand how it 
works :)

--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]