[CentOS] cfengine vs. puppet

Fri Aug 27 14:57:29 UTC 2010
James Hogarth <james.hogarth at gmail.com>

On 27 August 2010 14:41,  <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
> Stefano Sasso wrote:
>> 2010/8/27 Ski Dawg <centos at skidawg.org>:
>>> After spending a little bit of time searching around today, I have run
>>> across 2 that seem like good options, cfengine and puppet.
>>> Does anyone have any thoughts about either of these tools? Is there
>>> definite advantage to using one over the other from your experience?
>>> Is there a another tool that I should be evaluating?
>> have a look at
>> http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7841
>> my 2 cents
> Here's another two cents: first part of last year, I was working with
> Spacewalk, the released version of RedHat's satellite. While I was
> fighting it tooth and nail, it went from 0.4 to 0.5. With that experience,
> I'd say *don't* bother about it....
>       mark "user hostile"

Basing your comments on a version 0.4/0.5 that is pretty unfair.

It is now 1.1 and the user mailing list is active for assistance.

I maintain nearly 100 servers that are a mix of virtualised guests,
kvm hosts, production systems, dev/qa systems and so on with various
different profiles.

It has made my admin life much easier keep track of what updates are
due for what and deploying both software and files - or running script
son groups of systems.

The only provisos I would put in place right now are that it requires
an oracle database at this time and only use it if you are only
looking after Redhat based systems... RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, etc ...
Solaris support is there but it doesn't have a huge following to help
troubleshoot and Debian support is still on its way.
