[CentOS] Rsyslog weirdness

Wed Dec 15 14:11:02 UTC 2010
Jussi Hirvi <listmember at greenspot.fi>

I just noticed that on one CentOS 5 server the logs messages, maillog 
and a couple of others have been blank for a couple of weeks!

I tracked down the error to /etc/sysconfig/rsyslogd

There was a line

I googled that -c3 defines the "version" or "compatibility mode", and 
with 3 it means "rsyslog v3 native interface".

When I removed the option and restarted rsyslogd, the logging began to 
work again.

I wonder why is this. Probably this was caused by my recent system 
updates (yum update).

- Jussi

Jussi Hirvi * Green Spot
Topeliuksenkatu 15 C * 00250 Helsinki * Finland
Tel. +358 9 493 981 * Mobile +358 40 771 2098 (only sms)
jussi.hirvi at greenspot.fi * http://www.greenspot.fi