[CentOS] remove newlines / perl /concise example

Thu Dec 30 21:57:46 UTC 2010
ken <gebser at mousecar.com>

Thanks for the previous tips and suggestions.  Here's a more concise

Input file:


I want everything on one line, i.e., remove all newlines.  Like so:


Simple perl code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Remove newlines from a file in two ways:
# (1) Just "chomp" them;
# (2) Replace them with a space.

# Open input file for reading only.
my $infilename = "/tmp/newline-test-in";
open(my $in, "<", "$infilename") or die "Can't open file
\"$infilename\": $!";

# Open output file for writing only.
my $outfilename = "/tmp/newline-test-out";
open (my $out, ">", "$outfilename") or die "Can\'t open $outfilename for
writing. $!";

# Comment out either, both, or neither of the below "binmode" == no joy
#binmode $in;	
binmode $out;

while (<$in>)
# Neither of the two commands below works as expected.
	chomp;			# remove trailing newline.
#	s/\n/ /;		# replace newline with space
	print $out $in;

# Close input file.
close $in or die "Error closing $in: $!";

# Close output file.
close $out or die "Error closing output file $out: $!";

### end of perl script

Run this, commenting in/out whatever, and output file is consistently this:
