[CentOS] RAID help

Tue Dec 14 21:53:33 UTC 2010
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Jason T. Slack-Moehrle wrote:
>> If you dont know in advance how your storage is allocated the best way,
>> use lvm. The space you dont need today is in the pool and be it
>> /var/www/html or swap or whatever assign it as needed in the future.
>> Note that its maybe better to not put /boot into lvm.

I agree - I'd never boot /boot into lvm. If there's some problem, and I've
seen them, it may not have the lvm driver loaded, and then you're hosed.
> OK, I have done this, I need to create mount points and I am not sure how
> to initially size.
> How does everyone size /?

Take a clue from the default partition layout that install wants to use.
Remember, in / will be *all* of your o/s, and third party software, and
updates.... And /var, unless that's a separate partition, with all your
logs, which can sometimes get *very* big. If you've got the space, give it
100G or 200G.
I like /usr as a partition, and I used to like /var as one.
