[CentOS] sudo for Virtual Machine Manager

Wed Feb 24 09:46:52 UTC 2010
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <rms at 1407.org>

Em 24-02-2010 00:22, David McGuffey escreveu:
> I've done everything stated in the various guidance to get a regular
> user to use virt-manager (graphical Virtual Machine Manager) under
> CentOS 5.4 with KVM.  Placing the user in the kvm group and changing
> permissions on several files to include kvm has not worked...the user
> still needs to enter the root password to use the graphical VMM.
> I thought of pressing sudo into service for this task.  Anyone think
> this will work?

Sure, should work.

> Anyone got a better way? 

Look at wireshark, use as an example :)

[rms at roque ~]$ cat /etc/pam.d/wireshark
auth		sufficient	pam_rootok.so
#auth		sufficient	pam_timestamp.so
auth		include		system-auth
account		required	pam_permit.so
session		required	pam_permit.so
session		optional	pam_xauth.so
#session	optional	pam_timestamp.so