[CentOS] kickstart installation from usb key

Wed Feb 3 10:30:31 UTC 2010
John Doe <jdmls at yahoo.com>

From: Georghy <fusco at wanagain.net>
> >> harddrive --partition=sdb1 --dir=iso
> >>   append initrd=initrd.img  ks=hd:sdb1:/ks/ks.cfg method=hd:sdb1:/iso
> I am trying to create 2 diffrent partition like in the wiki
> the first one fat32 10Mio
> the second one ext2 the rest
> on the fat32 partition i only have syslinux.cfg
> on the ext2 partition the following tree :
> ...

I am confused...
If you have indeed a second partition where you did put your iso, you should point to sdb2 and not sdb1...
In my syslinux.cfg (which is on sda1):
 append initrd=initrd.img ks=hd:sda2:/ks.cfg method=hd:sda2:/centos
In my kickstart:
  harddrive --partition=sda2 --dir=/centos
So it boots on sda1, but the iso files and kickstart stuff are on sda2...

> My CentOS iso file is : custom.iso
> It is a custom CentOS distro that i have made and it worked perfectly on 
> my Virtual Machine on virtual box

Does the iso work or the usb key?  quite different...
How does the installer know that the RPMs are in custom.iso...?

> No such file or directory 'sdb1:vfat/iso'
