[CentOS] best parallel / cluster SSH

Fri Feb 5 09:26:29 UTC 2010
Christoph Maser <cmr at financial.com>

Am Donnerstag, den 04.02.2010, 19:31 +0100 schrieb Alan McKay:
> > It depends on what you need to do.  If you really have enough machines
> > or long-running jobs that a shell loop through them isn't practical, you
> > might want something higher-level like cfengine or puppet, or at least
> > something running under cron to make them independent.
> cfengine or puppet (or something else - slackmaster?) are where I want
> to be eventually - but in the immediate term something like this would
> help a lot.    e.g bouncing my 4 front-end apache servers on 4
> different boxes.   That sort of thing.

I like clusterssh (also named cssh) and mussh for this purpose.


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