[CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

Thu Feb 11 11:42:21 UTC 2010
Georghy <fusco at wanagain.net>

Kai Schaetzl a écrit :
> Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:13:10 +0100:
>> I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each script
>> ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch 
>> script2 then ...
> Why would you want to do this?
> One way would be to use a reboot counter, another to use lock files (run only 
> the first script that hasn't run yet), yet another to enumerate the files and 
> remove the first on each boot, yet another to have a file remove itself after 
> run (may not work).
> Kai
I'm using script to configure a computer to my attempts, but I want to 
automatize that work.
I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after 
these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO