[CentOS] Anyone using Active Driectory auth with Centos 5.4.....?

Thu Feb 11 19:50:48 UTC 2010
Christoph Maser <cmr at financial.com>

Am Mittwoch, den 10.02.2010, 01:10 +0100 schrieb Jay Leafey:
> If you are using AD for JUST authentication and not user information,
> you can use the PAM Kerberos stuff.  We've been using it for a couple of
> years from both CentOS/RHEL 4 and 5 systems with good results.  It was
> actually pretty easy to do (once we figured out which type of chicken
> bones to burn).

If you  have that working you can even go without pam as Dan mentioned
you can use the apache kerberos module. A short howto is here:


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