[CentOS] mutt execution by daemon

Joseph L. Casale

jcasale at activenetwerx.com
Sat Jan 2 08:08:42 UTC 2010

>I'm doing this way, i run an script from cron. Sending several 
>attachments to several addresses with a text in the email's body.
>In the script called by cron put:
>EDITOR=touch mutt -s "Here the subject" -F /home/user/.muttrc -i 
>/usr/local/bin/body_text.txt -a /tmp/attachment1 -a /tmp/attachement2 -b 
>address1 at someplace.com address2 at someserver.com 
>addressN at anyserver.com</dev/null
>And .muttrc:
>set from=sender_email at somesite.com
>set envelope_from=yes
>set realname="Sender's Name"
>Hope this helps you

That's similar to what I am doing, but "user" has a local mailbox, correct?

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