[CentOS] Dear Centos Mailing List, If you can't find in google, try JUSTDIAL.COM

m.roth at 5-cent.us

m.roth at 5-cent.us
Wed Jan 6 14:12:47 UTC 2010

> Am 06.01.10 13:47, schrieb mark:
>> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>>> Am 06.01.10 11:31, schrieb Kai Schaetzl:
>>>> For the mailing-list maintainer, mailservers to block for the latest
>>>> spam
>>>> to this list:
>>>> contestjd.com
>>>> monopost.com
>>>> linkedin.com
>>> Hmmm. The latter is LinkedIn - I don't really want to block that :)
>>> There's really not much to do - blocking domains *after* they have been
>>> used for a spam run doesn't even clean anything up.
>> Why not block linkedin.com? There shouldn't be anyone posting to this
>> mailing
>> list from there... and over the last few months, I've started getting
>> spam from
>> there directly, as in invites allegedly for someone else, but addressed
>> to me
>> (and, presumably, a ton of others).
> Because you cannot block hosts in mailman which aren't used for the
> construction of mail addresses. So I can block "foobar _AT_
> linkedin.com", but cannot block "foobar _AT_ example.com" where mail
> enters our system from linkedin.com.
> I would have to do that on the system level (well, mailserver) - but I
> won't do that for several reasons.

Ok. I've never run mailman, and just assumed that you could block a whole
domain. Thanks for the explanation.


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