[CentOS] Dear Centos Mailing List, If you can't find in google, try JUSTDIAL.COM

Ralph Angenendt

ralph.angenendt at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 16:18:23 UTC 2010

Am 06.01.10 16:31, schrieb Kai Schaetzl:
> Ralph Angenendt wrote on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 12:45:19 +0100:
>> Hmmm. The latter is LinkedIn - I don't really want to block that :)
> yes, and they have been spamming this list already several times. It's 
> getting annoying over time.

Hmmm. I didn't really have time to read this list thouroughly over the
last three weeks or so.

> With the LinkIn spam I was thinking that this must have been list members 
> uploading their addressbook. 

As said, I haven't seen any. But many people on the list here want to
"connect" to other "people" on social networks. That happens from time
to time.

> But it appears to me now that you allow non-
> members to post to the list. I've never thought that's a good idea.

No. What makes you think we do that?

This guy here was subscribed. So someone added mailman to some spam
automation tool.


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