[CentOS] Can't Compile Driver due to Missing version.h

Rob Kampen

rkampen at kampensonline.com
Sun Jan 10 03:23:38 UTC 2010

Mufit Eribol wrote:
> Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> On 01/08/2010 12:24 PM, Mufit Eribol wrote:
>>> I use a raid card on my Centos 5.4 server. Whenever I updated the
>>> kernel, I used to compile drivers of the card for the new kernel. I have
>>> done this many times in the past without any problem.
>> what raid card is this ?
> It is Highpoint rr2310 card. Yes, I know it is soft type.
I have two different rocket raid cards and both need to have the driver 
re-compiled with every kernel release - that's not a big issue, just 
need to remember to do it whenever the kernels bumps. This is true for 
rr174x and rr222x
The other thing both these need it to have sata_mv.ko removed!! If the 
supplied file is left in /lib/modules/<kernel 
version>/kernel/drivers/ata/ the box fails to boot.
> Mufit Eribol
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