[CentOS] setup schedule cron job every other week?

Fri Jan 8 16:38:02 UTC 2010
mcclnx mcc <mcclnx at yahoo.com.tw>

Thank you.  This script only work on regular enviroment like sh, ksh and bash.  When I put on cron job I got error message:

/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''

any ideal (CENTOS 4 and 5)?

--- 10/1/5 (二),John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com> 寫道:

> 寄件者: John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>
> 主旨: Re: [CentOS] setup schedule cron job every other week?
> 收件者: "CentOS mailing list" <centos at centos.org>
> 日期: 2010年1月5日,二,下午7:18
> mcclnx mcc wrote:
> > We have CENTOS 5 on DELL server.  I tried to
> setup schedule cron job to run every other week on Saturday
> (NOT first and third week ).
> >   
> lets see...
> date +'%U'
> returns the week number of the year, 00-51... and ((
> expression ))
> evaluates arithmetic expressions, returning 'true' if they
> are non-zero.
> weeknumber & 1 will be 0 for even weeks and 1 for odd
> weeks.
> So... set up your cron job to run every Saturday, and in
> the beginning
> of the job script, do something like...
> (( $(date +'%V') & 1 )) && exit
> which will exit if the week of the year is even. or, in the
> front of
> your crontab line, something like....
> 30 1 * * 6 (($(date +'%V')&1)) &&
> command-you-want-to-execute-on-even-weeks
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