[CentOS] Backup server

Wed Jan 13 15:39:29 UTC 2010
Max Hetrick <maxhetrick at verizon.net>

Sorin Srbu wrote:
> Sound very interesting indeed!
> I don't think the performance will be a problem, the server's a calculation 
> machine that has now been scrapped running a dual-xeon at 2,something GHz and 
> some 4GB RAM IIRC. Do you think the software-raid5 array used, would be a 
> problem in this case?
> I've never had any problems with software raid5 in linux before, but you never 
> know...

The reason I really like BackupPC is the compression you can get. It 
really helps me out since I have a smaller dedicated backup server. For 
my instance, since I have a dedicated server, I'd trade performance for 
the space compression saves me.
