[CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

Thu Jan 28 14:04:02 UTC 2010
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to get some input from people who have used these options for
> mounting a remote server to a local server. Basically, I need to replicate /
> backup data from one server to another, but over the internet (i.e. insecure
> channels)

NFS and CIFS and iSCSI are all terrible for WAN backups(assuming
you don't have a WAN optimization appliance), tons of overhead.
Use rsync over SSH, or rsync over HPNSSH. I transfer over a TB of
data a day using rsync over HPNSSH across several WANs.
