[CentOS] Shutdown/poweroff does not power off machine

Tue Jan 5 17:00:26 UTC 2010
Scot P. Floess <sfloess at nc.rr.com>

So, the bios is the latest offered by Dell...  I tried different power 
settings - the result is the same.  It does poweroff under Fedora as 
expected :(

On Tue, 5 Jan 2010, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:

> Scott wrote:
>> On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, mark wrote:
>>> Michael Klinosky wrote:
>>>> m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>>>>> Must be the Optiplex - Thursday afternoon, we just did poweroffs on
>>>>> well
>>>>> over 100 servers (HVAC maintenance this past Sat!), and it worked just
>>>>> fine.
>>>> I have the same issue with one of my boxes. 'Shutdown' will get to the
>>>> point of actually powering down, but just sit at 'System halted'.
>>> Use either poweroff or shutdown -h
>> I tried both - same result :(
> At that point I wonder about a bios setting.
>       mark, not top posting
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Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
Louisburg, NC  27549

252-478-8087 (Home)
919-890-8117 (Work)

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