[CentOS] Scripting for Centos security advisory database

Alexander Dalloz

ad+lists at uni-x.org
Fri Jul 2 12:49:08 UTC 2010

> On 02/07/2010 04:50, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Where can I find Centos Security Advisory database? The one that I
>> believe similar with RHSA?
>> 2ndly, is there any script available to check if there's any CESA
>> against my installed Centos?
>> Thank you very much.
> Not at the moment, afaik. But its something that I'm working on at the
> moment. It all ties into the fasttrack repo and how the background
> metadata is handled. hope to have some news on this front in the next
> few weeks.
> - KB

Hello Karan,

with other words you are working on making the yum-security plugin usable
on CentOS? That would be great!




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