[CentOS] CentOS Cluster

Torintino T

torintino2 at live.com
Mon Jul 5 21:18:25 UTC 2010

Hi Digimer 

Thanks for your helpful reply.

Actually i didn't determine yet by which method i will sync the data until i will overlooking into searching.

Regarding fencing, i will use 2 standalone Dell R210 servers.

So which Linux distribution, you recommend me to use because i am about to implement it in the next few days.

and Which the method i will follow to create the cluster, referencing to the "Cluster Administration"  document.
as i see : Luci, Conga, Cluster Manager, etc..

Your help is appreciated


> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 16:48:45 -0400
> From: linux at alteeve.com
> To: centos at centos.org
> CC: torintino2 at live.com
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] CentOS Cluster
> On 10-07-05 04:36 PM, Torintino T wrote:
> >
> >
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I am newbie to Linux Clustering, i have  2 standalone CentOS servers, i want to setup a cluster on those servers,
> > to synchronize between each other, and to make a one as standby to the other, if a one fails the other will switchover.
> >
> > I will mostly use Apache, Mysql, and PHP.
> >
> > I have read the "Cluster Administration" document, i found that there are multiple methods to setup the cluster,
> > actually i want to ask expert people in the clustering, which method is the most proper one,
> > and should i have use a fence device, which one i will preferably use.
> >
> > Thanks for assistance.
> How you implement the application fail-over will depend on your approach 
> for each of you high-availability applications. Have you thought about 
> how you will sync data (DRBD, GFS2, NFS, etc)?
> As for the cluster itself, that is, the stack underneath the 
> applications, it is not too hard to setup. Install the clustering group 
> and then configure the '/etc/ais/openais.conf' file and the 
> '/etc/cluster.conf' file. Of course, how to do that is a bit bigger 
> question.
> As for fencing; Yes, yes and definitely Yes. If your servers have IPMI 
> (ie; Dell's DRAC, HP's iLO, etc) then use IPMI for fencing. Otherwise 
> you will need an external fence device like an addressable PDU.
> A word of note; Clustering on CentOS is fairly old now. Old enough, that 
> I've personally moved off of it Fedora 13 for non-production use in 
> order to prepare for the "real soon now" RHEL/CentOS 6 release. If 
> you're not imminently deploying your cluster, you may want to explore this.
> -- 
> Digimer
> E-Mail:         linux at alteeve.com
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