[CentOS] Grub booting issue

Thu Jul 15 11:57:20 UTC 2010
Jason Pyeron <jpyeron at pdinc.us>


Given I can boot the install disk and chroot in, there must be away around Grub
while still keeping LVM installed.

Any ideas?

Screen says:

  Booting  Centos (2.6.18-194.3.1.el5)

root (hd0,0)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
   [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1e00, size=0x1db35c]

And then hangs. It is aleged that Grub probes aroung the bios which chrashes on
optiplex 320s

-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
- Principal Consultant              10 West 24th Street #100    -
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333            Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-                                                               -
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