[CentOS] HOWTO - Install HP PSP On CentOS 5

Joseph L. Casale

jcasale at activenetwerx.com
Thu Jun 24 17:40:49 UTC 2010

>On another list I'm told there is a newer HP PSP version
>that comes with an installer so all this may be moot.

Check the itrc forum, the PSP Developer participated in a
thread with myself and another user and cleared up a good
chunk of info wrt the psp.

Not only does the new installer provide some customizability
but there are quite a few poorly documented notes with the psp
and linux namely the very long lag between support for current
kernels. I generally just install the relevant rpms in the correct
order and skip the majority of the package as its not useful for

Hpsum is now used, and in the 8.50 psp for Linux x64, there is an
xml file called bp000793.xml, scroll to the very bottom and the
select ion syntax should obvious.


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