[CentOS] Using CentOS Live CD to recover trashed RHEL system

Joseph L. Casale

jcasale at activenetwerx.com
Fri Jun 25 01:53:44 UTC 2010

> I'll create a new lvm logical volume, create a file system, and restore from a
>level 0 dump taken from a lvm snapshot just before things broke.


> The part I'm not certain about is the grub voodoo to get the system to boot to
> the lvm with the restored root file system.

Look at ./etc/lvm/backup/* in your dumped files, it will show you the VG,
LV and ID. Create your new VG and LV, then edit fstab to reflect or recreate it w/
the same names. Just make sure fstab reflects whats actually in place.

> Are there differences in the boot process for CentOS/RHEL 5.x versions that I have
> to worry about.  Would it be better to try to get a closer match between the root
> file system and the live cd vintages.

No, you're simply booting to env that allows you to create a new FS, this might matter
if the recovery env created an FS that was some revision ahead of what your dumped OS
uses, but given the info you provided, I think you are fine, give'er and let us know...


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