[CentOS] help with sendmail closing relay

Fri Jun 4 18:31:04 UTC 2010
Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com>

Jerry Geis wrote:
>> Never setup sendmail myself but google talks about:
>>   makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access
>> Did you do it?
> Rebuilding access.db gets done by typing "make" in the /etc/mail 
> directory.
> It has been done.
> Jerry
ok - going crazy I made a copy of my access file, and removed everything 
execpt localhost. restart sendmail of course.
re-tried the abuse.net/relay.html site and it did not relay....

So then something in the file must be the issue. I put everything back 
as it was, restart and tried again. it relayed.

I then commented the line:
192.168.1   RELAY

and restarted and retried. It did not relay.

I thought this line was a wildcard for anything 192.168.1.X - not open 
the world for relaying.
