[CentOS] [Solved] was: grub, initrd and Co

Tue Jun 8 13:47:22 UTC 2010
Philippe Naudin <philippe.naudin at supagro.inra.fr>

OK, I still don't understand what exactly went wrong, but my system
boot nicely now. I think the problem was here :

> Trying to resume from /dev/hda3
> No suspend signature on swap, not resuming.
> Creating root device.
> Mounting root filesystem.
> mount: error mounting /dev/root on /sysroot as auto: No such device
This is because, when I ran mkinitrd, /etc/fstab was reading: 
/dev/hda1               /                       auto    defaults 1 1
instead of :
/dev/hda1               /                       ext3    defaults 1 1

I am not really sure this was the problem, and can only suppose that
the support for ext3 was missing in the initrd.img (ext3 as a module,
they are crazy ;-), but I re-ran mkinitrd after editing fstab and 

Thanks to all of you for your answers !
