[CentOS] rpm building and hyphens in Version tags

Tue Jun 8 01:14:14 UTC 2010
Joseph L. Casale <jcasale at activenetwerx.com>

> 	Names must not include whitespace and may include a hyphen '-'
> 	(unlike version and release tags).
>That is, version and release are UNLIKE name.  name MAY have a 
>hyphen.  by inference (and as you have seen), version and 
>release may not.

Heh, well I had my head so far up my arse on that one it was back
on top:)

How would you handle this case? As per my last email , I used a
-n in the %setup to cd into the right dir but I am left with improperly
named and versioned rpms as they don't actually match the source!

Thanks guys,