[CentOS] Booting into a shell and skipping init

Wed Jun 9 20:01:36 UTC 2010
James Hogarth <james.hogarth at gmail.com>

And given that the xen kernel is not a Linux kernel but rather that centos
is just dom0 so I'm not sure that init argument would do what the OP wanted

Sent from Android mobile

On Jun 9, 2010 6:24 PM, "Stephen Harris" <lists at spuddy.org> wrote:

> I'm trying to boot into the shell of a XenServer 5.6 (I believe CentOS
> 5.5 underneath). I added...
XenServer 5.6 is based on CentOS 5.4

  [root at penfold ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
  XenServer release 5.6.0-31188p (xenenterprise)
  [root at penfold ~]# rpm -q centos-release

Aren't you better off taking XenServer questions to the Citrix forums?
For example, the XenServer boot process uses extlinux and not grub;
here's an area where XenServer diverges from CentOS and so you may get
better answers from the correct support forum.



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