[CentOS] Disabling services in CentOS 5.5

Wed Jun 16 21:28:48 UTC 2010
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Ski Dawg wrote:
> >From my research, the services that I am thinking of turning off are:
> nfs (already off)
> nfslock
> portmap
> rpccgssd
> rpcidmapd
> rpcsvcgssd

all safe to shut off if you're not serving NFS, NIS, etc.

> apci

power management.  I believe you need acpid for things like screen saver.  

> apmd

apmd isn't even installed on my servers, probably only used on legacy 
pre-ACPI hardware.

> mdmpd

multipath device monitoring, would be required if you have multipath 
disk IO, or ethernet, I believe.

> mdmonitor

should be running if you use mdraid or any other device mapper kind of 