[CentOS] blog tool use the LDAP auth

Tue Jun 22 01:35:47 UTC 2010
Cia Watson <ciamarie at my180.net>

On 06/20/10 07:58 PM, sync wrote:
> Hi, all:
>         Are there  any blog tools which can use the openldap to 
> authenticate  the account or password?
> Could someone give some suggestions for it ? Thanks in advance...

I see you've already  had a couple of responses, thought I'd throw in my 
suggestion. I use Drupal for my website and I know one of the page or 
format options is blogging, and I searched and found there is ldap 
ability with Drupal.  I also have a blog through blogspot, and since I 
started the blog before I moved to Drupal for my website, I'm not 
personally using the blog portion of the package. So here's a couple links:

