Dear List, I recently spent some time out of the USA, and found myself in a hotel that blocked port 25 which prevented my laptop's ability to connect to my office mail server. I did a scan on the internet and made the observation that this was a common problem. I had port 22 available so I was able to get my office server set up to accept mail on 25 and 587 without difficulty. The command "telnet 587" to my office mail server connects without difficulty. However, I have not been able to get sendmail on my laptop to connect to sendmail on my mail server at home using port 587. I have added the following to on my laptop without success : define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 587') define(`ESMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 587') I finally made it back home, but have decided to change my configuration to use 587 by default so that this problem will be avoided, but I have been unable to get my laptop to connect. Anyone having ideas would be appreciated. Greg Ennis