[CentOS] Rebuild - Again!?

Wed Mar 24 18:53:35 UTC 2010
Terry Polzin <foxec208 at wowway.com>

On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 14:15 -0400, gene.poole at macys.com wrote:
> I putzd around and messed up my primary system. I could get it back
> with a bunch of work a-rounds but I've decided to do a complete
> rebuild of it.  What I need to run on this machine (besides the CentOS
> 5.2 OS) is Oracle 11g (requires gnome), VMware Server 2, JBoss 5, plus
> some other tidbits. 
> Does anyone have  or know of a checklist that I can use to make sure
> I've done everything correctly (as least as far as the OS install and
> configuration is concerned)? 

Did you preserve your original /root/anaconda-ks.cfg file?
That would be a starting point.  After the machine is up, I have scripts
I run to set up /etc/sysctl.conf, etc.