[CentOS] NFS freeze when transmitting big files

Wed Mar 31 12:03:15 UTC 2010
JohnS <jses27 at gmail.com>

On Tue, 2010-03-30 at 23:59 +0200, Niki Kovacs wrote:

> No, 512 Byte. Here's one similar :
> http://www.computermuseum-mannheim.de/images/pic_g/siemens_8080_1g.jpg
> The thing had to be programmed in Assembler using a hex keyboard.
> My dad worked at a lab at Siemens and brought one of these things home, 
> along with my first two computer books : "Binäre Algebra" and "Logische 
> Schaltkreise" (logical circuits). My first program were flowcharts on 
> paper that I had to convert to hex code and poke into the computer.
> Folks who say the Linux command line isn't comfortable don't know what 
> they're talking about :o)
You should be really punch board literate then :-)  So tell him now you
need the Digital Circuits book now.
