[CentOS] how to open a tcp port?

Wed Mar 3 15:03:00 UTC 2010
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

> hadi motamedi wrote:
>> Thank you . How can I distinguish which package is missing from my
>> CentOS server and try to just add it (rather than trying for a fresh
>> CentOS re-installation) ? On another machine similar to mine , the
>> output is as :
> The lsof output shows a program named iptrans is listening on 4965.  Try
> packagename' (and perhaps some configuration afterwards).  I don't
> recognize this program, though.  Are you sure it came from an rpm package?

google linux iptrans, and it appears to be something for "IP
transparency", which seems to pass along a real IP through something, not
sure if it's a firewall, or a cluster head.

Are you using a cluster?
