[CentOS] Recover RAID

Thu Mar 4 07:26:54 UTC 2010
Timo Schoeler <timo.schoeler at riscworks.net>

Hash: SHA1

thus Jeff Sadino spake:
> Thanks Timo, that one actually made me laugh!

I really hope that this wasn't irony from your side. Well, if there's
nothing left, there's still gallows humor...


> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Timo Schoeler
> <timo.schoeler at riscworks.net>wrote:
> thus Sorin Srbu spake:
>>>> From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On
> Behalf
>>>> Of Jeff Sadino
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:15 AM
>>>> To: CentOS mailing list
>>>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Recover RAID
>>>> Backups?  I wish :)  I will now.
>>>> But looking closer, that md1 is not my OS partition, just a data
> partition.
>>>> If I take that md1 entry out of the raidtab file and restart the
> computer, I
>>>> would think that it would start up just fine, minus the data partition
> (and
>>>> for the moment neglecting any vital programs that might be installed on
> that
>>>> partition).  My question is when I start the computer back up, in order
> to
>>>> start up without that partition there any more, will the OS write any new
>>>> files or anything that will not be reversible?
>>>> ----
>>>> Eh? Raid0 with no backups? For real?
> Backups are for sissies; running a hara-kiri RAID demands *not* having
> backups. Or did the kamikaze pilots have parachutes?
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