[CentOS] New to VM

Thu Mar 4 16:05:47 UTC 2010
David Milholen <dmilholen at wletc.com>

John R Pierce wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>> I mostly use VMware Server, but the systems were set up before the ESXi product 
>> was free.  Starting over, I'd install ESXi on the bare metal, then whatever you 
>> want as guests.  You do need a windows machines to run the console client for 
>> ESXi, though.
> vmware esxi *so* outperforms vmware server, its not funny.
> I've also found server 2.0.x to be a little unstable on several 
> different hosts (both windows and linux)
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Awesome, The list has been kind to me.. I like the input.
 Drop some performance results next time I post once I get everything 

David Milholen
Project Engineer
Wireless Etc

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