[CentOS] How to schedule for a repeated task?

Sat May 1 11:12:54 UTC 2010
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 5:52 AM, hadi motamedi <motamedi24 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for your reply. I am trying like the followings:
> #expect
>>set name
>>set user id
>>set password pwd
>>set cmd1 "cd /tmp"
>>set cmd2 "cp log.cap /export/home"
>>set cmd3 "logout"
>>spawn telnet $name
>>expect "login:"
>>send "$user"
>>expect "Password:"
>>send "$password"
>>send "$cmd1"
>>send "$cmd2"
>>send "$cmd3"

Several things are wrong with this:

Seriously. Don't do this. It sends your user/pass in plain text. It's
a horrendous security risk. I don't care what excuse you have to try
to defend it. DO NOT DO IT. Use ssh keys instead.

2. Use ssh keys instead of setting a password in the script.

3. You don't need to use expect to set the PWD to /tmp. You can do
this with basic scripting. Pick up a bash scripting guide and read
through it. I see almost nothing in your example that requires expect.
This can be done with a simple bash script.

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George Orwell