[CentOS] was, Resolving dependencies from the command-line, is ProCurve switch

Thu May 6 19:35:11 UTC 2010
Ryan Manikowski <jeenam at gmail.com>

On 5/6/2010 3:19 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Try this
>> Bits per second: 115200 (or try 9600)
>> Data bits: 8
>> Parity: None
>> Submit
>> Stop bits: 1
>> Flow control: None
> Thanks - yeah, I saw that in the manual, and online, saw the 9600, did
> that, no joy at all. Just sits there at a blank screen. Btw, about flow
> control: h/w?s/w? Those are my two options in minicom.
> Meanwhile, on the switch (ssh'ing in, but I need to get the serial port
> working so I can get a newer version of the firmware there (what's there
> is *ancient*), show console reports flow control as xon/xoff....

F - Hardware Flow Control : No
G - Software Flow Control : No

	 Ryan Manikowski

]] Devision Media Services LLC [[
 ryan at devision.us | 716.771.2282