[CentOS] setup firewall with 3 nic cards

Sat May 8 13:21:12 UTC 2010
Benjamin Donnachie <benjamin at py-soft.co.uk>

On 8 May 2010 14:12, Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com> wrote:
> then I do iptables -L again and the rule is not there. Am I missing
> something?

Try iptables -t nat -L, though you may want to use the -n option too.
>From the iptables manpage[1]:

"-L, --list [chain]
List all rules in the selected chain. If no chain is selected, all
chains are listed. As every other iptables command, it applies to the
specified table (filter is the default), so NAT rules get listed by
iptables -t nat -n -L

Please note that it is often used with the -n option, in order to
avoid long reverse DNS lookups. It is legal to specify the -Z (zero)
option as well, in which case the chain(s) will be atomically listed
and zeroed. The exact output is affected by the other arguments given.
The exact rules are suppressed until you use
iptables -L -v"


[1] http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables