[CentOS] Text file manipulation in CentOS?

Wed May 12 04:48:41 UTC 2010
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 05:12:48AM +0100, hadi motamedi wrote:
> $ cat hadi | sort | uniq -c -w 9 | sort -n | perl -ne 'print unless
> > /(\d+)/ and $1 < 3'
> >       4 CallId 91  State TK         Bts 5  Bt 1  Tr (4 0x0f)  E1 (4 0
> > 18)  Tru (0 1 1)
> >       7 CallId 92  State CL         Bts 7  Bt 1  Tr (6 0x0a)  E1 (3 1
> >
> Thank you for your reply. To just have one 'State' for the CallId , I
> created one new logfile as the following:
> #more logfile1 | grep "State TK" >> logfile2
> Then in the logfile2 , I tried to count the number of occurances of each
> distinct CallId with the aid of your proposed command . But in the output, I
> see differences between the number obtained from counting them manually with
> the one generated from your command. Can you please correct me?

	I'm likely to get in trouble for this, but frankly I don't
	really care.

	This list doesn't exist to do *your* job for you.  We are
	not here to do *your* work.  In the past few months you've
	done nothing but use the members of this list as your personal
	"please come do my job for me" group because you choose not to
	do any research or learning on your own.  While members of the
	list are quite happy to help people, you're taking advantage of
	their kindness and patience.  Why should you be paid or earn
	class credit based on our expertise?  It is not clear whether
	you are a paid IT person, consultant or just a student learning
	about the IT field.  But it is also not relevant, as you are
	just depending on us to do your work.

	There are a bazillion resources on the web, starting with google,
	that will help you learn *basic* shell scripting as is needed
	to solve your most current issue.  There exist *many* excellent
	books on shell scripting; there is also "man bash"; "man awk";
	"man cut"; "man sed"; etc.  READ THEM.

	Have you taken the time to make use of any of these resources?
	Have you decided to resort to this list every time something
	basic is needed that you refuse to take the time to learn so
	you are able to put together solutions yourself?


	You might be amazed at what you can learn when you do so.

	At some point you *will* be in a position where you have a task
	that needs to be done and you will not have this list to fall
	back on.  What are you going to do then?  Cry to your boss or your
	professor that you can't do it because all the people that have
	been doing your work for you up to that point aren't available?

	If you were working for me I'd terminate you for not making
	any effort on your own.  If you were a student of mine I would
	fail you for not expending any effort at learning the material.
	If you were a consultant I'd make sure you never worked for any
	company I was a part of and also blacklist you on top of it.

	Really, enough is just enough.

	Enough is also enough with the spoon-feeding.  I realize that most
	of you are kindhearted souls that delight in helping people and
	that is, in most cases, to be commended.  But this never-ending
	spoon-feeding doing Hadi's job for him is not helping him in
	the least.  Make him stand on his own two feet for a change.
	It is *obvious* he has made no attempt at resolving the problems
	he has brought to this list on his own and it has been obvious
	since his first post.  And yes, I know, we all started somewhere,
	blah, blah, blah.  While this is indeed true it is *also* true
	that we spent the time to learn what we needed in order to do
	our jobs, including the most important of all: how to find the
	information we need which in this day and age is google or some
	other search engine.


	To any on the list *other* than Hadi that I've offended by this
	post you have my most sincere apologies.  Sorry for wasting your
	time but this has been building up for a long time.


Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of
a person or animal is at stake.  Society's punishments are small compared
to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.

-- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), civil-rights leader
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