[CentOS] Package Information Site?

Mon May 17 21:13:09 UTC 2010
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 05/17/2010 04:03 PM, Tim Nelson wrote:
> Greetings all-
> Over the years, I've become incredibly spoiled by 'packages.debian.org' which allows me to search for a package, view it's description, download it, see dependencies, see similar packages, etc...
> Does such a site or resource exist for CentOS?

I wrote a small ruby app that parsed yum metadata and can easily export 
that via a json or REST interface, but never made it to be a webUI since 
my web interface skills are a bit lacking.

If there is real interest in something of this nature, I can prolly 
export something like this using a small sinatra.rb app - would someone 
be willing to help with the ui stuff ?

- KB